Man Hit by Ambulance Charged $2,000 by Same Vehicle for Ride to Hospital

A man riding his bike was hit by an ambulance and suffered injuries. The same ambulance then turned around and charged him $2,000 for the ride to the hospital.

In a new lawsuit recently filed, 71-year-old William Hoesch says he was riding his bike through the small town of Rainier in Columbia County, Oregon, in October 2022. He was reportedly traveling in the same direction as a Columbia Fire and Rescue ambulance when the ambulance attempted to make a sudden right turn onto another street, slamming into him.

Mr. Hoesch reportedly fractured his nose and was left with numerous scrapes, bruises, and other injuries. His bike was also destroyed in the accident. He has accumulated $47,000 in medical expenses and expects to incur another $50,000. The lawsuit, filed on October 24, seeks $997,000.

Police reportedly said that the driver who hit William, along with a passenger in the ambulance at the time, estimated they were traveling between 2 and 10 miles per hour when they heard a thump, prompting them to stop and check on William, who was injured.

However, William claims they were going between 5 and 10 miles per hour and that he didn’t expect the ambulance to turn right in front of him. The ambulance was reportedly returning to the Columbia River Fire and Rescue Rainier station after a previous trip or call.

He is now seeking $900,000 in damages for pain and suffering, stating he has since suffered a decreased range of motion, reduced grip strength, and other symptoms resulting from being hit by the ambulance.

The lawsuit also states that William’s uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage is obligated to cover any damages that Columbia River Fire and Rescue cannot pay.

However, Fire Chief Eric Smith reportedly told news outlets that the department has police and insurance records that paint a different picture than what William describes in his lawsuit. He stated that they had done their due diligence and took care of a patient who was injured.

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