Missouri Teen Dies After Mother Allegedly Gives Deadly Fentanyl Pill for Toothache

A 14-year-old girl from Missouri had a toothache and is now dead due to her mother’s actions.

Jacquelyn Powers, 35, was arrested on November 7th, last Thursday, for the death of her teenage daughter.

Overland Police reported that Jacquelyn gave her daughter a fentanyl pill she found in a drawer. Ten hours later, the teen was found dead.

Jacquelyn initially told police she believed the pill was oxycodone from a previous surgery, but the autopsy revealed the girl died from a fentanyl overdose with no trace of oxycodone in her system.

Jacquelyn later admitted to police that she had traded some of her surgery-prescribed oxycodone with her mother for pills her mother had obtained off the street. She also confessed to storing these street pills in the same drawer as her oxycodone.

She was arrested nearly a month after her daughter’s death, and her arrest was captured by local news outside her home.

Jacquelyn faces charges of endangering the welfare of a child and felony death of a child. She is currently being held on a $150,000 bond, and her next court hearing is scheduled for November 19th.

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