Rosanna Pansino has reported Mr. Beast to the FBI

Mr. Beast has officially been reported to the FBI over allegations of behavior including pedophilia. These allegations stem from thousands of leaked messages from his company’s chat log.

YouTuber Rosanna Pansino reported Mr. Beast to the FBI for alleged disturbing messages in a Telegram chat. Rosanna posted a video on her YouTube channel a few days ago, which now has over a million views.

If what Rosanna is saying is true, there could be legal grounds for an investigation under the 1984 Child Protection Act. This law addresses child exploitation and outlines provisions that could apply if the allegations involve any inappropriate conduct toward minors.

Watch the video here.

In the video, Rosanna and Dog Pack, another creator exposing Mr. Beast, go through the leaked messages. Early in the video, they show that Mr. Beast was part of this Telegram chat. She says, “I have received thousands of leaked messages from an official Mr. Beast work chat. These are all from their work chat from 2020 to about 2021 on Telegram. I verified the legitimacy of these chats with multiple former employees, and let me tell you, they are absolutely insane. I’ve done my best to censor the messages for you in this YouTube video, but I want you to know that the actual chats are uncensored, so just a quick warning. Also, I want to give you a quick trigger warning that some of these messages touch on sensitive topics.”

She also pinned a comment on the video, saying:
“I have reported what I found and my concerns to the authorities (FBI). Hopefully, they will look into these Mr. Beast Telegram Company Chat Logs and other concerns.

Check the uncensored message here:

These chat logs were confirmed to be legitimate to me by a few former Mr. Beast employees who were IN the chats. I am continuing to sort through them and will keep you updated in the coming weeks.

This video was immediately flagged as ‘not suitable for most advertisers,’ which says a lot. This video will most likely be restricted, but I think it was an important video to make regardless.”

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