What Does No Borax No Glue Mean on Tiktok? Explained

Trending on TikTok, “No borax no glue” signifies crafting or solving challenges sans borax or glue. Users pose hypothetical scenarios ending with this phrase, encouraging creative solutions. It sparks a viral trend, fostering ingenuity and alternative methods for DIY projects or problem-solving in various situations.

What Does No Borax No Glue Mean on TikTok

On TikTok, the term “no borax no glue” has taken on a new meaning: it denotes something that is absolutely impossible. The word “glue” and “borax” are staples in the slime-making community, where the term first appeared. When users of TikTok began asking questions about how to manufacture slime without these components, the hashtag #noboraxnoglue became popular.


No glue no borax 😮‍💨

♬ original sound – 🎶🎧

These days, TikTokers use the word to convey the impossibility of particular wishes or circumstances. Someone may inquire, “How to get over a guy you never dated no borax no glue,” for instance, implying that the answer is as implausible as not using glue and borax to make slime. The expression “it’s completely unachievable” has been used in a variety of settings, including films and subtitles.

What is the Origin of the Phrase “No Borax No Glue”?

The expression “no borax no glue” first appeared in the TikTok slime-making community, where glue and borax are necessary components. when people began to inquire about how to manufacture slime without these components.

Before long, the craze had spread beyond the realm of slime-making, and TikTokers were using the word to convey the impossibility of particular goals or circumstances. Someone could question, “How to get over a guy you never dated no borax no glue,” implying that the answer is as implausible as not using glue and borax to make slime.

Since then, this expression has been used to convey the sense that something is wholly unachievable in a variety of settings, including in videos and subtitles.


The expression “it’s impossible” has become popular among TikTok users, who use it in comments, subtitles, and even content production to suggest that something is unrealistic or impossible altogether. Due of this, the expression has gone viral and entered TikTok lingo, being used in a variety of situations outside of the initial slime-making event.

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