If Voldemort Wanted Harry Potter Dead So Badly Why Didn’t He Just Kill Him?

Lord Voldemort was obsessed with killing Harry Potter, yet he failed to do so on several times. Given Voldemort’s vast magical abilities, one would wonder why he didn’t simply kill Harry when he had the opportunity. Voldemort struggled to eliminate his foe for several reasons.

Lily Potter’s selfless shield: Lily Potter’s love for her son generated a potent protective charm that kept Harry safe from Voldemort’s deadly curse when she died defending Harry. This power shielded Harry from Voldemort’s attacks when he was a newborn and kept him safe until he reached seventeen.

Prophecy and the chosen one: According to a prophesy, Harry will be able to defeat the Dark Lord. Voldemort was reluctant to murder Harry because he thought he was the chosen one described in the prophecy, and he thought that would fulfill the prophesy.

Overconfidence and horcruxes: To become almost immortal, Voldemort divided his soul into seven horcruxes. Because of his arrogance, he was reckless and did not adequately guard his horcruxes against being destroyed by Harry and his associates.

Elder Wand allegiance: During their last battle, Harry was spared from Voldemort’s deadly spell because the Elder Wand, which Voldemort had taken, would not kill Harry, who was actually its true master. Voldemort’s own curse killed him as a result of this.

Undervaluing sacrifice and love: Voldemort was never able to fully appreciate the significance of sacrifice and love. Harry’s readiness to give his life to save his companions produced a spell that kept them safe from Voldemort’s curses.

Ultimately, the youngster Voldemort set out to murder brought him down due to his own conceit, dread of the prophesy, and lack of understanding of love. Voldemort’s desire for immortality and power was ultimately defeated by Harry’s bravery, devotion, and love for his companions.

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